Why Go Faux?

Ethical Animal-Friendly Alternative 

Creative and animal-friendly taxidermy is a growing trend, and decorating your home with taxidermy décor pieces can be an easy way to add interest. However, real taxidermy turns many people off because of its association with trophy hunting and animal cruelty.

Luckily, there's an ethical way to use animal mounts without hurting them with faux taxidermy! These trendy pieces are perfect for nature and animal lovers who don't wish to display real animal pieces on their walls. Faux taxidermy opens the door for personal expression with different textiles, prints, and colors that help breathe life into each piece, making them as sophisticated or quirky as you want.

At Near and Deer, we strive to make animal-friendly, customizable faux taxidermy heads that you can be proud to have in your home. We pride ourselves in offering you an exciting, alternative way to decorate with animal mounts. With our custom-painted options, you can choose your colors and art to personalize your piece.

bison skull in black and gold

Why You Should Choose Faux Taxidermy Over Real Taxidermy
Real taxidermy is well-known for being cruel and expensive, and environmentally harmful. Faux taxidermy pieces are cruelty-free and affordable. Here are just some of the reasons why we think you should choose faux taxidermy:

  • Animal-Friendly
    • Unlike real taxidermy, you don't have to end an animal's life to add a piece of art to your collection. By purchasing a faux taxidermy head, you can enjoy all the beauty of real taxidermy without harming a precious creature.
  • Easy to Maintain
    • Real taxidermy art pieces are large, bulky and hard to clean. However, faux taxidermy art pieces are easy to maintain. You don't have to worry about heavy-duty cleaning, and you can store them easily when not in use. You only need to dust them occasionally, and you can admire your piece for years.
  • Trendy
    • Faux taxidermy is a popular, growing trend in home décor! Adding a mount to your walls can add rustic charm or modern flair depending on the aesthetic in your home!

deer head in copper patina

Choosing Near and Deer for Your Faux Taxidermy Needs
No animals were harmed in the making of our art! We are an animal-friendly small business of animal lovers, so you can trust you are getting the best in animal-friendly décor. Our mission is to provide you with an animal-friendly alternative to traditional taxidermy pieces for your home décor needs. Here are a few reasons why we think you'd love our mounts!:

  • Customizable
    • Our faux taxidermy pieces are customizable, and you get to choose your colors and your art. At Near and Deer, the possibilities are endless! Our pieces are hand-painted in Phoenix, AZ, by a small team of artists to give you the best quality.
  • Affordable
    • At Near and Deer, you don't have to spend a lot of money on taxidermy. Our faux taxidermy pieces cost much less than you'd spend on a real taxidermy piece. You'll have more money in your pocket to buy other decorations for your home since you won't be spending thousands of dollars on a musty old mount.
    • Durable
      • Faux deer heads from Near and Deer are made out of resin that will last you for many years to come. The strong resin and durable paint will ensure that you enjoy your deer head without worrying about it deteriorating. 

    ram in white with bronze horns

    Get Your Faux Taxidermy Piece Today
      Whether you want to spruce up your home, office, or business with a bit of flair for the outdoors without harming any animals in the process, faux taxidermy deer heads are just what you need.
        We hope to provide you with cruelty-free alternatives to traditional taxidermy pieces that you will love. Contact us today if you have any questions or if you want a custom order.
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